Sunday, October 21, 2007

Letter to the Editor: Talossa and Shifting Paradigms

As a newcomer to this great project in quirky yet fun and freedom-loving society I have a great respect for the traditions that have developed over the past three decades. With one uncomfortable exception. It's official policy of isolationism. It is an inconceivable notion that such a great nation and an egalitarian polity would remain silent on global injustices and choose not to engage in the great debates of our time concerning the future direction of human society.
It is our right and our responsibility as a partner of equal standing in an international community of democratic and peace-loving nations to contribute to efforts that upend traditional norms of Westphalian sovereignty which too often have provided aid and succor to tyrants and dictators who assail their own beleaguered peoples with unending misery and injustice and allow otherwise noble nations with the power and influence to help stop such misery to remain in a state of complicit and apathetic silence.
Paradigms that have dominated worldviews from Tokyo to Tashkent and from the White House to the Kremlin are now failing to comprehend the hopes and needs of an emergent global community and it is high time for our administration in Abbavilla to recognize such developments.

Breneir Tzaracomprada

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